Charlie Gauthier

Hey there! My name is Charlie Gauthier. I’m currently a PhD student @ Mila with Liam Paull and Glen Berseth.

I am interested in practical RL, robotics, and vision for robotics. Specifically, I am interested “morphological adaptation” in RL, e.g. training RL for a wide array of robotic morphologies and subsequently adapting zero-shot to a new morphology. One of the reasons I work in learning for robotics is because I believe automation is the single most promising way to solve our current climate crisis.

I am also very interested in scientific vulgarization. I co-created the first ever blogpost track for ML conferences (see here) and plan on participating in the track for the foreseeable future. In the future, in addition to my main research work, I’d like to work with “mainstream media” to vulgarize robotics and deep learning for the general population.

My other computer science interests mainly deal with functional programming and compilation.

In my spare time I boulder, hangout with friends, got to a lot of techno and jazz events, and write. I like learning languages: I speak French and English fluently, I am learning Japanese right now (yes, yes, it’s to read manga, don’t judge me), and I can get by in German.