I had the pleasure of participating in the 2022 Mila Robotics Summer School. Lots of great speakers, nice students, and great talks.

Over three days, we developed a control policy for a robot dog. We then rolled it out quite a few times, trying to fine tune it. On the final day, we had a competition: who can reach a designated goal while avoiding a foam obstacle?

Well. I wish I could say we did well, but our robot just sort of… died… the day of the competition.

Photo of the good robot, with the very dead robot in the background, to the left of the image. Image source: https://mila.quebec/en/mila-robotics-summer-school/

Still, this was an incredible experience and I strongly recommend next year’s edition to anyone interested in learning for robotics! You don’t need to be an ML expert, robotics monkey, or math genius :)